Almond Chocolate Cupcakes

theprimalgeek, March 29, 2015

The best LCHF dessert!

The best LCHF dessert!


The best LCHF dessert I’ve made to date :)

Almond Chocolate Cupcakes !!!!!!!


200 grams almond meal

100 grams real dark sugar free chocolate

50 grams dark chocolate for garnishing

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tbsp cocoa powder

80 grams butter

2 medium sized eggs

4-5 drops of vanilla essence


1) Melt the chocolate on a double boiler and mix it well with the almond meal, keep some of the chocolate aside for garnishing later.

2) Add the cocoa powder, baking powder, vanilla essence and melted butter to the mixture. (butter should be at room temperature otherwise it will cook the eggs in the batter itself, so melt it before you start the process )

3) Add the eggs to the batter and mix well. There should be no lumps. The batter should be medium thick not runny nor sticky hard.

4) Pre heat the oven to 170 deg C. Pour the batter into cupcake moulds or any mould you desire. Do not fill the mould upto the top as the batter will rise as it cooks. Cook for 25-30 minutes.

5) After 25 minutes check the cupcakes by poking a knife and if it comes out clean the cupcakes are done or else keep them for a little while longer.

6) Poke some small holes in the cupcakes with a tooth pick and pour the melted chocolate on the cupcakes, depending on how much chocolate you like.

Down below is how they should look right after taking them out of the oven :)

Couldn't wait to unmould them :)

Couldn’t wait to unmould them :)


Its really simple, fast and a delicious recipe if you can find a good quality sugar free chocolate :) For me it turned out really moist and its was so tempting I made one more batch the very next day.

Everyone in the family enjoyed it even my in laws who are not on LCHF :)

They turned out simply AMAZINGGGG :)

Moist and chocolaty :)

Moist and chocolaty :)

WARNING: You wont be able to stop at one. So if you really want to lose weight, don’t make it often :)

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